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Fakulteta za šport

7. mednarodna konferenca Šport mladih 2014

Uvodnik - 7. mednarodna konferenca Šport mladih 2014


Report from the conference 2014

A scientific conference The youth sport 2014 was held at the City Hotel in the heart of the city centre of city Ljubljana between December 12th and 13th 2014. The title topics of the symposium were:

  • Sport training and injury prevention: different type training and effect of them on the athlete body, injuries and prevention, use of the rehabilitation equipment in rehabilitation,
  • Talent identification and dual career: sport dilemmas in primary school, secondary school and college, athletes volunteering and non-formal learning,
  • Youth lifestyles and sport: youth sport personnel ideology, health promotion through sports and PE, leisure sports, sports activity and students, principles of different sport training
  • Coaching, training and testing of young sportspeople: working with sports talented children, sports, ethics and fair play, psychological aspects of youth sports

Sport environment and sport knowledge is changing every day. Ignoring novelties in sport science is irresponsible. New findings and knowledge’s could be a key factor for making decision for young people to take sport as part of their daily life or maybe to continue career as athlete.

Book of Abstracts