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Fakulteta za šport

My SLOfit reporting system

  • My SLOfit reporting system

  • Code V5-1707
  • Date 01.04.2018 - 31.03.2020
  • Funds provider Slovenian Research Agency
  • Organisation UL Faculty of sport
  • Holder Prof. Ph.D. Gregor Jurak

SLOfit is one of the largest databases on children's somatic and motor development in the world. It enables children and parents to receive feedback on the comparison of child's somatic and motor development with the development of their peers, it enables teachers to effectively plan the teaching process, and it provides the scientific backbone and evaluation tool in the decision makers' processes of planning and implementation of various policies, linked to school physical education and physical activity of children and youth.  Currently the information on somatic and motor development of children are directly accessible only to teachers who then share this information with children and their parents. In practice, this often means that parents do not receive the complete information on the consequences of poor physical fitness of their children. There is also a growing interest of school physicians who would have a much better possibility to detect children with higher health risks and would gain a better insight into individual child's development if they had access to the SLOfit data. On the other hand, also teachers are expressing a growing demand to cooperate with health experts and help reduce possible health risks of chronic diseases and poor health status of children.


The goal of the My SLOfit reporting system is to take a full advantage of the established national surveillance system Sports Educational Chart by informing the key stakeholders (parents, teachers, school management, school physician, municipal authorities) and making the feedback information utilizable in the planning and monitoring of interventions for improvement or preservation of physical effectiveness of children and youth. Within the project's framework we are planning to develop: a user-friendly individual report on somatic and motor development including the identification of deviations from past development in comparison with the development of peers, assessment of health risks, deriving from the development and recommendations for interventions (target group: parents, teachers, children, physician); a class report on somatic and motor development including the identification of deviations with peers and other classes on the national level, as well as recommendations for in-class interventions (target group: teachers); and a school report on somatic and motor development of pupils from individual schools that include key emphases regarding the past testing results of a school, the comparison with other schools and recommendations for school interventions (target groups: school management, school physician, municipal authorities).