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Fakulteta za šport

6th Conference for Youth Sport



Slovenia has a long tradition in sport, but special efforts are put to physical education of youth. University of Ljubljana is proud to host the 6th international conference for Youth Sport 2012.

The Conference is a triennial event organised by the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport. Continuing the tradition, the 6th Conference on Youth Sport plans to be a high-level event focused on sport science and sport research in a wide yet well-defined range of thematic areas:

  1. Challenges in the field of physical education
  2. Sports career dilemmas
  3. Education of young athletes
  4. Sports injuries of young athletes
  5. Sports for children with special needs
  6. Principles for sports training in youth sports
  7. Athlete, coach and family
  8. Open papers

The Conference will be a forum for sport science researchers to gather and extend networking between them; and to integrate doctoral students and young researchers into the field.
