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Webinar z naslovom Komuniciranje znanosti – učinkovito pisno in ustno sporočanje/"Communicating Your Science Effectively"

od 17.02.2021 do 17.02.2021


Vabimo vas na webinar z naslovom Communicating Your Science Effectively / Komuniciranje znanosti – učinkovito pisno in ustno sporočanje, ki bo 17. 2. 2021 od 15:00 do 16:00, izvajalec bo dr. David Peralta. Webinar bo izveden v angleškem jeziku.

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Webinar details / podrobneje o spletni delavnici:

In this webinar, David Peralta (Editor-in-Chief of ChemMedChem, Chemistry Europe) will share some editorial insights and personal tips on how to communicate your science effectively. Webinar will be in English language. You are invited to join on 17th of February at 3pm.

The talk will:

  • cover good practices in science communication and storytelling,
  • share some tips on how one can promote one's work,
  • provide some practical tips on how to improve poster and oral presentations, especially given today's "virtual" restrictions.

The talk will have practical and useful tips for science researchers at all levels, from undergraduate students to professors.

Lecturer: Dr. David Peralta

David earned his B.S. and Master’s degree in Chemistry at the Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines. In 2009, he moved to Heidelberg for his Ph.D. at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and University of Heidelberg, in the research group of Prof. Tobias Dick. Shortly after his Ph.D., he worked as an Assistant Editor at Wiley-VCH in Germany for the journals ChemistryOpen, ChemistrySelect, and ChemMedChem. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of ChemMedChem since 2017.

Apply through POPR platform!

You can book on to the event through our platform POPR here. Please, be aware that you will need to sign in with your digital student identity. If you are Erasmus student, please let us know at and we'll make your registration (with your email send us your digital student identity, student number and information about the courses you are taking).